Water collected by rain water at three place in hospital.
Water collected is redirected to dip pit with percolation.
Water quality improved by using series of tanks.
Harvested water used for bore well purposes checked by lab.
Solar Geyser Plant
A Solar Water Heater is a device which provides hot water for bathing, washing, cleaning etc. using solar energy. It is generally installed at the terrace or where sunlight is available and heats water during day time which is stored in an insulated storage tank for use when required including mornings.
No Green House Gases:
The first and foremost advantage of solar energy is that beyond panel production.It does not emit any green house gases.
Solar energy is produced by conducting the sun's radiation–a process void of any smoke, gas or other chemical by-product.
This is the main driving force behind all green energy technology as nations attempt to meet climate change obligations in curbing emissions.
Ongoing Free Energy:
Another advantage of using solar energy is that beyond initial installation and maintenance of solar energy is free.
Solar doesn't require expensive and ongoing raw materials like oil, coal and requires significantly lower operational labor than conventional power production. Raw materials doesn't have to be constantly extracted, refined and transported to the power plant.
Oil, coal and gas used to produce conventional electricity is often transported cross-country or internationally. This transportation has a myriad of additional costs including monetary costs, costs of transport, wear and tear costs of all of which is avoided with solar.
Green Wall
A Green Wall is a wall partially or completely covered with vegetation that includes a growing medium such as soil. Most green walls also feature an integrated water delivery system. Green Wall are also known as living wall or vertical garden.
Living walls provide pleasant surroundings to look out on from other buildings and from the ground and thus improve the quality of life. Many studies have demonstrated the soothing and relaxing psychological effect of greenery. Walking through botanical gardens reduces blood pressure and lowers the heart beat. Another study shows that the presence of greenery helps one recover more quickly from stress. So looking out on a living wall is good for your health.
CO2 is a gaseous substance created mainly through the combustion of fossil fuels. Living walls help to reduce CO2 in the air, and subsequently global warming Fine particles in the air are one of the greatest dangers to public health. They cause heart problems and aggravate pulmonary diseases. The leaves on a living wall capture more fine particles than a smooth stone wall without greenery. This is because of the irregular structure of the surface. The more irregular the surface is more fine particles that are captured. Cities typically suffer from high levels of exhaust fumes living walls are therefore very beneficial to the air quality and reduction of fine particles in the air.