The Neonatal and Pediatric ICU are well equipped with Ventilators, Incubators including transport Incubator, Open Air and Radiant Warmers, Multipara Monitors, Central Oxygen Supply and Central Suction, Photo Therapy and Infusion Pumps. The routine procedures carried out include Central Lines. Arterial Lines, ICD, Exchange Transfusion both central and peripheral partial exchange transfusion, CPR of new born, L.P. new born ventilatory care and total parentral nutrition.
The Neonatal and Pediatric ICU has successful record of managing Birth Asphyxia, MAS, Neonatal Sepsis , Hyperbilirubinemia and ensuring survival of babies born exceptionally underweight (500 gm to 700 gm).
Though state of the art care is being provided and protocols followed yet economy is given due consideration. The ICU stay of patients is kept to a level just necessary for the patients.